ZFF - 15. Zurich Film Festival

26. September - 6. Oktober 2019

ProduktionProduktion / Release

Kinostart CH-D: no release
Kinostart CH-F: no release
Kinostart CH-I: no release

Synopsis DESynopsis DE

Das Zurich Film Festival bietet eine Plattform für die vielversprechendsten neuen Filmemacher/innen aus der ganzen Welt. Es hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den Austausch zwischen aufstrebenden Regisseur/innen, arrivierten Filmschaffenden, der Filmindustrie und dem Publikum zu fördern. Das ZFF präsentiert jeden Herbst die schönsten Entdeckungen sowie die meist erwarteten Filme des Jahres. Mit seinem Wettbewerb "Fokus" legt das ZFF einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf das Filmschaffen der Filmländer Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich.

Das Zurich Film Festival fand im Oktober 2005 zum ersten Mal statt. Es hat sich innerhalb weniger Jahre in der nationalen und internationalen Festivallandschaft etabliert. Seit der ersten Austragung ist das Festival kontinuierlich gewachsen. Es verzeichnete 2017 rund 98'300 Eintritte und zog mehr als 600 akkreditierte Filmschaffende sowie über 500 Medienschaffende aus aller Welt an.

Im internationalen Wettbewerb konkurrieren aufstrebende Filmemacher/innen (erste, zweite oder dritte Regiearbeit) in drei Kategorien jeweils um den Hauptpreis, das Goldene Auge. Ausser Konkurrenz präsentiert das ZFF die meist erwarteten Filme des Jahres (Gala Premieren) und die schönsten Entdeckungen (Special Screenings). Es stellt junges Filmschaffen einer aufblühenden Filmregion (Neue Welt Sicht) vor sowie thematisch fokussierte Reihen wie "Border Lines" (Menschenrechte) und "Series". Rahmenveranstaltungen wie die "ZFF Master Class", der "Zurich Summit" und der "Filmmusikwettbewerb" machen das ZFF zu einer bedeutenden Networking-Plattform.

Filmvorführungen in Anwesenheit der Filmemacher sowie öffentliche ZFF Masters-Veranstaltungen bringen das Publikum den Filmemacher/innen nahe und ermöglichen einen einmaligen Austausch. Mit seinen Schul- und Kindervorstellungen vermittelt das ZFF die Filmkunst auch den Jüngsten und schafft einen Anreiz, das Kino als Ort des kulturellen Austauschs kennenzulernen.

18.00 17 Blocks (Riffraff 1)
18.15 Queen of Hearts (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.15 Still Human (Riffraff 2)
18.30 School of Seduction (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.30 Talking About Trees (Riffraff 3)
18.45 Amazona (Riffraff 4)
20.45 Just 6.5 (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Así habló el cambista (Riffraff 2)
21.00 The Perfect Candidate (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Hail Satan? (Riffraff 3)
21.15 Litigante (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.30 The Panama Papers (Riffraff 4)

12.30 Le vent tourne (Riffraff 1)
12.45 Just for Today (Riffraff 2)
13.00 Fire Will Come (Corso 2)
13.00 Kurzfilmblock Zürcher Filmpreis (Riffraff 3)
13.15 On Becoming a God in Central Florida (Corso 3)
13.30 The Panama Papers (Corso 4)
15.00 African Mirror (Riffraff 1)
15.15 All the Sins (Riffraff 2)
15.15 Independence Day (Corso 3)
15.30 Das Höllentor von Zürich (Riffraff 3)
15.30 Hail Satan? (Corso 2)
15.45 G Affairs (Corso 4)
15.45 White House Down (Filmpodium)
17.30 Systemsprenger (Corso 2)
18.00 Bruno Manser - Die Stimme des Regenwaldes (Corso 1)
18.00 Dark Suns (Riffraff 3)
18.00 Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (Arena 4)
18.15 De nuevo otra vez (Riffraff 4)
18.15 One Child Nation (Corso 4)
18.15 Shooting the Mafia (Arena 3)
18.30 And Then We Danced (Arena 7)
18.30 Cody - The Dog Days Are Over (Kosmos 1)
18.30 Hope Frozen (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.30 Talking About Trees (Filmpodium)
18.30 Una Primavera (Riffraff 1)
18.45 La Jauria (Riffraff 2)
18.45 La Tierra y la Sombra (Corso 3)
18.45 Lara (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.15 Sound of Metal (Corso 2)
20.45 J'ai perdu mon corps (Arena 3)
20.45 La ciudad oculta (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 Giants Being Lonely (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Midnight Family (Corso 4)
21.00 The Lighthouse (Arena 4)
21.00 The Report (Kosmos 1)
21.15 Blackbird (Corso 1)
21.15 Ema (Arena 7)
21.15 Flatland (Filmpodium)
21.15 Les Miserables (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Little Fish (Riffraff 2)
21.30 Die Grube (Riffraff 3)
21.30 Matar a Jesus (Corso 3)
21.45 Three Husbands (Riffraff 4)
23.00 Gold meets Kultstatus (Club Bellevue)

10.30 Liyana (Arena 3)
12.30 Kabul, City in the Wind (Filmpodium)
13.00 Still Human (Corso 4)
13.30 Another Day of Life (Corso 3)
13.30 Monos (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.30 Storm Boy (Arena 3)
14.00 Ramy (Riffraff 2)
14.15 Systemsprenger (Corso 2)
14.15 Where We Belong (Riffraff 3)
15.00 The Perfect Candidate (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.15 La ciudad oculta (Corso 4)
15.15 No. 7 Cherry Lane (Kosmos 1)
15.30 Blackbird (Corso 1)
15.30 Shaun das Schaf - der Film: Ufo-Alarm (Arena 7)
15.30 ZFF Masters: Donald Sutherland (Filmpodium)
16.00 Cody - The Dog Days Are Over (Riffraff 1)
16.00 Flatland (Corso 3)
16.00 Hope Frozen (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.00 My Extraordinary Summer with Tess (Arena 3)
16.15 The Virtues (Riffraff 2)
16.30 Sohn meines Vaters (Riffraff 3)
16.45 Beforeigners (Riffraff 4)
17.00 Facing Robots (Folium)
17.30 Babyteeth (Corso 2)
17.45 Stitches (Corso 4)
17.45 Wasp Network (Arena 4)
18.00 A White, White Day (Arena 3)
18.00 Radioactive (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.15 Midnight Family (Arena 7)
18.15 Preis der Freiheit (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.15 Sea of Shadows (Filmpodium)
18.15 The Current War (Corso 1)
18.30 Fire Will Come (Riffraff 1)
18.30 Inherit the Viper (Kosmos 1)
18.30 Los Dias de la Ballena (Corso 3)
18.45 Blue Jasmine (Riffraff 2)
19.00 Litigante (Riffraff 3)
19.15 Immer und ewig (Riffraff 4)
20.00 Collective (Corso 4)
20.30 After The Wedding (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.30 Divino Amor (Arena 3)
20.30 Queen of Hearts (Corso 2)
20.45 Lara (Arena 7)
20.45 On the Inside of a Military Dictatorship (Corso 3)
21.00 17 Blocks (Filmpodium)
21.00 Marriage Story (Arena 4)
21.00 Sakawa (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 The Burnt Orange Heresy (Corso 1)
21.15 Les Miserables (Kosmos 1)
21.15 easy love (Riffraff 1)
21.30 Las Buenas Intenciones (Riffraff 2)
21.45 Matar a Jesus (Riffraff 3)
22.00 G Affairs (Riffraff 4)
22.00 15 Jahre ZFF - Ein Grund zum Feiern! (Festivalzentrum)
23.00 Basement (Club Bellevue)

10.30 Zu weit weg (Arena 3)
12.00 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (Riffraff 4)
12.00 Wenn Systeme bröckeln (Festivalzentrum)
12.15 Gösta (Riffraff 2)
12.30 African Mirror (Riffraff 1)
12.45 Watergate (Riffraff 4)
13.00 Babyteeth (Corso 4)
13.00 Das Arche Noah Prinzip (Filmpodium)
13.15 One Child Nation (Arena 7)
13.15 Sea of Shadows (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.30 Abe (Arena 3)
13.30 Bellingcat - Truth in a Post-Truth World (Kosmos 1)
14.00 Glamourfaktor bei UPC (Festivalzentrum)
14.30 Sound of Metal (Corso 2)
14.45 Dark Suns (Riffraff 1)
14.45 Lapü (Corso 3)
15.00 Watson (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.15 Le vent tourne (Riffraff 3)
15.30 La vérité (Corso 1)
15.30 Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (Arena 4)
15.30 ZFF Masters: Roland Emmerich (Filmpodium)
15.45 La Ciénaga - Entre el Mar y la Tierra (Kosmos 1)
15.45 Sakawa (Arena 7)
15.45 Una Primavera (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.45 easy love (Corso 4)
16.00 Invisible Sue (Arena 3)
16.45 Los Dias de la Ballena (Corso 3)
17.30 The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao (Arthouse Le Paris)
17.30 Waren einmal Revoluzzer (Corso 2)
17.45 The Patriot (Riffraff 2)
18.00 Bruno Manser - Die Stimme des Regenwaldes (Arena 4)
18.00 Waiting for the Barbarians (Corso 1)
18.15 Collective (Riffraff 1)
18.15 For Sama (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.15 Mano de Obra (Corso 4)
18.15 Untouchable (Kosmos 1)
18.30 Incitement (Filmpodium)
18.30 Where's My Roy Cohn? (Arena 3)
18.45 Die Grube (Riffraff 3)
18.45 Radioactive (Arena 7)
19.00 Das Höllentor von Zürich (Riffraff 4)
19.15 Amazona (Corso 3)
20.15 Volunteer (Corso 2)
20.30 Lynn + Lucy (Corso 4)
20.45 My Zoe (Corso 1)
20.45 Zeroville (Arena 3)
21.00 El Abrazo de la Serpiente (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Rocks (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 Saturday Fiction (Arena 7)
21.00 The Day After Tomorrow (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Anonymous (Riffraff 2)
21.15 Cancion sin nombre (Kosmos 1)
21.15 J'ai perdu mon corps (Filmpodium)
21.15 Kabul, City in the Wind (Corso 3)
21.15 The Current War (Arena 4)
21.30 De nuevo otra vez (Riffraff 3)
21.45 Giants Being Lonely (Riffraff 4)

12.00 Im Fahrtwasser der Menschlichkeit (Festivalzentrum)
12.00 Immer und ewig (Riffraff 1)
13.00 Shooting the Mafia (Kosmos 1)
14.00 Las Buenas Intenciones (Corso 3)
14.45 The Aviator (Riffraff 2)
15.00 Sohn meines Vaters (Riffraff 1)
15.00 Where's My Roy Cohn? (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.30 Cancion sin nombre (Kosmos 1)
15.30 Kurzfilmblock Zürcher Filmpreis (Riffraff 3)
15.30 Neue Freiheit, Fake News, Manipulation (Festivalzentrum)
15.45 10,000 BC (Riffraff 4)
15.45 A White, White Day (Corso 2)
15.45 Incitement (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.00 Scheme Birds (Corso 4)
16.00 ZFF Masters: Julie Delpy (Filmpodium)
16.30 Así habló el cambista (Corso 3)
18.00 Lynn + Lucy (Riffraff 1)
18.00 Sea of Shadows (Arena 7)
18.15 Adam (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.15 Carol (Riffraff 2)
18.15 Drita (Kosmos 1)
18.15 Joker (Corso 1)
18.15 Stitches (Arena 3)
18.30 For Sama (Filmpodium)
18.30 Inherit the Viper (Riffraff 3)
18.30 One Child Nation (Corso 4)
18.30 Son-Mother (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.30 The Informer (Arena 4)
18.45 Waren einmal Revoluzzer (Corso 2)
18.45 Where We Belong (Riffraff 4)
19.00 Kurzes aus Kolumbien (Corso 3)
20.45 Just 6.5 (Arena 7)
20.45 Lillian (Riffraff 1)
20.45 My Zoe (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.45 Pavarotti (Corso 1)
21.00 1986 (Corso 4)
21.00 Stargate (Riffraff 2)
21.00 The Laundromat (Arena 4)
21.00 The Lighthouse (Kosmos 1)
21.15 La Llorona (Arena 3)
21.15 La vérité (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.15 Midnight Family (Filmpodium)
21.15 Pariente (Riffraff 3)
21.15 Watson (Corso 2)
21.30 Nina errante (Corso 3)
21.30 Three Husbands (Riffraff 4)

13.15 Another Day of Life (Corso 3)
13.30 Inherit the Viper (Corso 2)
14.45 Collective (Corso 4)
15.00 Babel (Filmpodium)
15.00 Cody - The Dog Days Are Over (Riffraff 1)
15.00 Wasp Network (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.15 2012 (Corso 3)
15.15 La Tierra y la Sombra (Kosmos 1)
15.30 Klimaverholzung (Festivalzentrum)
15.30 The Talented Mr. Ripley (Riffraff 3)
15.45 Divino Amor (Corso 2)
16.00 Die Grube (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.45 Marriage Story (Arena 4)
18.00 And Then We Danced (Corso 2)
18.00 Rocks (Riffraff 1)
18.00 Systemsprenger (Arena 7)
18.15 Elizabeth (Riffraff 2)
18.15 Gemini Man (Corso 1)
18.15 Hail Satan? (Kosmos 1)
18.15 Les Miserables (Arena 3)
18.15 The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.15 Volunteer (Filmpodium)
18.30 Giants Being Lonely (Riffraff 3)
18.30 Mr. Jones (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.30 Silence Radio (Corso 4)
18.45 La Defensa del Dragon (Riffraff 4)
18.45 On the Inside of a Military Dictatorship (Corso 3)
20.30 Adam (Corso 2)
20.30 Blackbird (Arena 3)
20.45 Quello che non sai di me (Corso 4)
20.45 Sound of Metal (Arena 7)
21.00 Cold Case Hammarskjöld (Filmpodium)
21.00 I'll be your mirror (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Joker (Arena 4)
21.00 Official Secrets (Corso 1)
21.00 On the President's Orders (Kosmos 1)
21.15 Bad Lucky Goat (Corso 3)
21.15 Elizabeth: The Golden Age (Riffraff 2)
21.15 Mano de Obra (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.15 Sorry We Missed You (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.30 Scheme Birds (Riffraff 3)
21.45 La Ciénaga - Entre el Mar y la Tierra (Riffraff 4)

12.15 Zeroville (Riffraff 1)
13.30 Cattle Hill (Arena 3)
13.45 La ciudad oculta (Corso 4)
14.00 Zu weit weg (Arena 7)
15.00 Drita (Riffraff 1)
15.00 Mr. Jones (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.15 Godzilla (Riffraff 2)
15.15 Saturday Fiction (Kosmos 1)
15.15 Storm Boy (Arena 3)
15.30 La Llorona (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.45 Hope Frozen (Corso 4)
15.45 Stitches (Corso 2)
15.45 Waiting for the Barbarians (Arena 4)
16.30 Amazona (Corso 3)
17.45 Cold Case Hammarskjöld (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.45 School of Seduction (Corso 4)
18.00 17 Blocks (Filmpodium)
18.00 Incitement (Riffraff 3)
18.00 Lara (Arena 7)
18.00 Marriage Story (Corso 1)
18.15 El Abrazo de la Serpiente (Riffraff 4)
18.15 Official Secrets (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.15 Son-Mother (Corso 2)
18.15 The Farewell (Kosmos 1)
18.30 1986 (Riffraff 1)
18.30 Die missbrauchten Liebesbriefe (Arena 3)
18.45 La vérité (Arena 4)
18.45 Three Husbands (Riffraff 2)
19.00 On the President's Orders (Corso 3)
20.15 Ask Dr. Ruth (Corso 4)
20.30 The Doors (Kosmos 1)
20.30 XY Chelsea (Filmpodium)
20.45 Deutschstunde (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.45 Pelikanblut (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.45 The Burnt Orange Heresy (Arena 7)
21.00 And Then We Danced (Arena 3)
21.00 Lillian (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Seberg (Corso 1)
21.15 De nuevo otra vez (Riffraff 2)
21.15 Gemini Man (Arena 4)
21.15 Seberg (Corso 2)
21.30 Bad Lucky Goat (Riffraff 3)
21.30 Shooting the Mafia (Corso 3)
21.45 Notes on a Scandal (Riffraff 4)

12.30 Mensch Maschine! (Festivalzentrum)
12.45 The Virtues (Riffraff 2)
13.00 1986 (Corso 2)
13.15 Litigante (Corso 3)
13.30 No. 7 Cherry Lane (Kosmos 1)
13.30 Volunteer (Arena 3)
14.30 Ask Dr. Ruth (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.00 Lapü (Riffraff 1)
15.00 Pelikanblut (Corso 2)
15.15 Beforeigners (Riffraff 2)
15.15 Son-Mother (Filmpodium)
15.30 Bad Lucky Goat (Corso 3)
15.30 I'm Not There (Riffraff 3)
15.30 The Burnt Orange Heresy (Arthouse Le Paris)
16.15 Where's My Roy Cohn? (Kosmos 1)
16.45 Mano de Obra (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.30 Wasp Network (Arena 7)
17.45 La Tierra y la Sombra (Corso 3)
18.00 Babyteeth (Filmpodium)
18.00 Divino Amor (Corso 2)
18.00 XY Chelsea (Riffraff 1)
18.00 Sushi Loves Movies (Yooji's Dreikönig)
18.15 17 Blocks (Corso 4)
18.15 Deutschstunde (Arena 3)
18.15 On Becoming a God in Central Florida (Riffraff 2)
18.30 After The Wedding (Corso 1)
18.30 La Belle époque (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.30 Nina errante (Riffraff 3)
18.30 Untouchable (Kosmos 1)
18.45 Lynn + Lucy (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.45 Still Human (Riffraff 4)
19.00 Zürcher Filmpreis: Verleihung und Überraschungsfilm (Arena 4)
20.15 Another Day of Life (Corso 3)
20.30 Waren einmal Revoluzzer (Corso 2)
20.45 I'll be your mirror (Corso 4)
20.45 J'ai perdu mon corps (Filmpodium)
21.00 Hors Normes (Corso 1)
21.00 Just 6.5 (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 Silence Radio (Riffraff 1)
21.00 The Informer (Arena 3)
21.15 Coffee and Cigarettes (Riffraff 2)
21.15 Sanctuary (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Sorry We Missed You (Kosmos 1)
21.30 Kurzes aus Kolumbien (Riffraff 3)
21.30 The Laundromat (Arena 4)
21.45 Las Buenas Intenciones (Riffraff 4)

12.30 ZFF Masters: Javier Bardem (Filmpodium)
12.45 All the Sins (Riffraff 2)
13.00 Bandits (Riffraff 4)
13.00 Midnight Family (Corso 2)
13.00 Pariente (Kosmos 1)
13.15 La Defensa del Dragon (Corso 3)
13.45 Rocks (Corso 4)
15.00 Just for Today (Riffraff 2)
15.00 On the Inside of a Military Dictatorship (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.00 Speaking truth in a post-truth world (Festivalzentrum)
15.15 Lillian (Riffraff 1)
15.15 Matar a Jesus (Corso 3)
15.15 Sanctuary (Filmpodium)
15.30 Seberg (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.45 Kabul, City in the Wind (Kosmos 1)
16.00 Scheme Birds (Corso 4)
16.30 My Zoe (Corso 2)
17.30 Bellingcat - Truth in a Post-Truth World (Corso 3)
18.00 La Jauria (Riffraff 2)
18.00 La Belle époque (Corso 1)
18.00 Pelikanblut (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.00 The Perfect Candidate (Arena 3)
18.15 Divino Amor (Riffraff 1)
18.15 School of Seduction (Corso 4)
18.15 Waiting for the Barbarians (Arena 4)
18.30 Ema (Kosmos 1)
18.30 One Child Nation (Arena 7)
18.30 Quello che non sai di me (Riffraff 3)
18.45 The Laundromat (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.45 Una Primavera (Riffraff 4)
19.00 The Farewell (Corso 2)
19.30 Kurzfilmprogramm: Perspektiven auf Krebs (Corso 3)
20.30 Le Mans 66 (Corso 1)
20.45 Radioactive (Arena 3)
21.00 Ask Dr. Ruth (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Cold Case Hammarskjöld (Filmpodium)
21.00 Cunningham (Kosmos 1)
21.00 Judy (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.00 Queen of Hearts (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 Silence Radio (Arena 7)
21.15 After The Wedding (Arena 4)
21.15 Le Mans 66 (Corso 4)
21.15 The Feed (Riffraff 2)
21.30 A White, White Day (Corso 2)
21.30 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (Riffraff 3)
21.45 I'll be your mirror (Riffraff 4)
21.45 Monos (Corso 3)
23.00 Private Party meets Kultstatus (Club Bellevue)

09.45 Phantom Owl Forest (Arena 6)
11.00 The Putin Interviews (Filmpodium)
12.00 Liyana (Arena 6)
12.00 Quello che non sai di me (Riffraff 4)
12.00 Volunteer (Arthouse Piccadilly)
12.15 Nina errante (Riffraff 3)
12.30 Ramy (Riffraff 2)
12.45 Silence Radio (Riffraff 1)
13.00 Lara (Corso 2)
13.15 1986 (Corso 4)
13.30 La Belle époque (Kosmos 1)
13.30 Pavarotti (Corso 1)
13.45 Kurzfilmprogramm: Perspektiven auf Krebs (Corso 3)
14.00 Abe (Arena 6)
14.15 Hope Frozen (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.00 No. 7 Cherry Lane (Riffraff 4)
15.15 Collective (Corso 4)
15.15 XY Chelsea (Riffraff 1)
15.30 And Then We Danced (Corso 2)
15.30 Hors Normes (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.30 Kurzes aus Kolumbien (Riffraff 2)
15.45 Bruno Manser - Die Stimme des Regenwaldes (Corso 1)
15.45 Die Grube (Riffraff 3)
16.00 Así habló el cambista (Corso 3)
16.00 Checkered Ninja (Arena 6)
16.00 The Report (Kosmos 1)
16.15 ZFF Masters: Oliver Stone (Filmpodium)
16.30 Untouchable (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.30 Sea of Shadows (Riffraff 1)
17.45 Dark Suns (Corso 4)
17.45 Fire Will Come (Riffraff 2)
18.00 Just 6.5 (Filmpodium)
18.00 Sanctuary (Riffraff 3)
18.00 Son-Mother (Corso 2)
18.00 Dinner & Afterparty Award Night (Pier7 Club-Restaurant & Opernhaus)
18.15 Los Dias de la Ballena (Riffraff 4)
18.15 On the President's Orders (Corso 3)
18.30 Suicide Tourist (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.45 Judy (Kosmos 1)
19.00 Where'd You Go, Bernadette (Corso 1)
19.15 La Llorona (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.00 La Defensa del Dragon (Corso 3)
20.15 easy love (Riffraff 1)
20.30 La Ciénaga - Entre el Mar y la Tierra (Riffraff 2)
20.45 La ciudad oculta (Riffraff 3)
21.00 Babyteeth (Corso 2)
21.00 Flatland (Riffraff 4)
21.00 The Lighthouse (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Rocks (Filmpodium)
21.15 Sakawa (Corso 4)
21.30 Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (Kosmos 1)
21.30 Stitches (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.45 The Informer (Corso 1)
22.00 Bellingcat - Truth in a Post-Truth World (Corso 3)
23.00 G Affairs (Riffraff 1)
23.00 Transition (Club Bellevue)

10.00 Cattle Hill (Arena 6)
11.00 Cunningham (Kosmos 1)
11.45 I'll be your mirror (Riffraff 3)
11.45 Invisible Sue (Arena 6)
12.00 Watergate (Riffraff 4)
12.30 Systemsprenger (Riffraff 1)
12.45 Lillian (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.00 For Sama (Filmpodium)
13.00 Official Secrets (Corso 1)
13.15 El Abrazo de la Serpiente (Corso 3)
13.15 Suicide Tourist (Kosmos 1)
13.30 Waren einmal Revoluzzer (Corso 4)
13.45 Queen of Hearts (Corso 2)
14.00 My Extraordinary Summer with Tess (Arena 6)
14.45 Dark Suns (Riffraff 3)
15.00 Gösta (Riffraff 2)
15.15 Cold Case Hammarskjöld (Filmpodium)
15.15 Pavarotti (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.15 Una Primavera (Riffraff 1)
15.30 Deutschstunde (Kosmos 1)
15.30 Judy (Corso 1)
15.30 School of Seduction (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.00 Checkered Ninja (Arena 6)
16.15 Talking About Trees (Corso 3)
16.30 easy love (Corso 4)
16.45 J'ai perdu mon corps (Corso 2)
17.45 Pelikanblut (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.45 Watson (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.00 Hors Normes (Corso 1)
18.00 Lynn + Lucy (Riffraff 1)
18.15 Drita (Riffraff 2)
18.15 Mr. Jones (Filmpodium)
18.15 The Current War (Kosmos 1)
18.30 Mano de Obra (Corso 4)
18.30 Scheme Birds (Riffraff 3)
18.45 Lapü (Riffraff 4)
18.45 The Farewell (Corso 2)
19.00 Monos (Corso 3)
20.00 Sorry We Missed You (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.30 The Report (Corso 1)
20.45 A White, White Day (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.45 Adam (Riffraff 1)
20.45 Cancion sin nombre (Corso 4)
20.45 The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao (Kosmos 1)
21.00 La Llorona (Filmpodium)
21.00 Sound of Metal (Corso 2)
21.00 The Panama Papers (Riffraff 2)
21.15 Pariente (Corso 3)
21.15 Sakawa (Riffraff 3)
21.30 Zeroville (Riffraff 4)

Cast and CrewCast & Crew

LinksLinks und Medien

find soundtrack at cede.ch     find soundtrack at soundmedia.ch


ZFF - 3. Zurich Filmfestival (2007)

ZFF - 4. Zurich Film Festival (2008)

ZFF - 5. Zurich Film Festival (2009)

ZFF - 6. Zurich Film Festival (2010)

ZFF - 7. Zurich Film Festival (2011)

ZFF - 8. Zurich Film Festival (2012)

ZFF - 9. Zurich Film Festival (2013)

ZFF - 10. Zurich Film Festival (2014)

ZFF - 11. Zurich Film Festival (2015)

ZFF - 12. Zurich Film Festival (2016)

ZFF - 13. Zurich Film Festival (2017)

ZFF - 14. Zurich Film Festival (2018)

ZFF - 15. Zurich Film Festival (2019)

ZFF - 16. Zurich Film Festival (2020)

ZFF - 17. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 18. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 19. Zurich Film Festival (2023)




15. Zurich Film Festival: 26. Sept. – 6. Okt. 2019

ZFF - 15. Zurich Film Festival


Heinrichstrasse 267
8005 Zürich
+41 44 440 2751 (tel)

Movie relationsÄhnliche Filme

ZFF - 18. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 6. Zurich Film Festival (2010)

ZFF - 7. Zurich Film Festival (2011)

ZFF - 8. Zurich Film Festival (2012)

ZFF - 9. Zurich Film Festival (2013)

ZFF - 10. Zurich Film Festival (2014)

ZFF - 11. Zurich Film Festival (2015)

ZFF - 12. Zurich Film Festival (2016)

ZFF - 13. Zurich Film Festival (2017)

ZFF - 14. Zurich Film Festival (2018)

ZFF - 16. Zurich Film Festival (2020)

ZFF - 17. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 19. Zurich Film Festival (2023)

ZFF - 3. Zurich Filmfestival (2007)

ZFF - 4. Zurich Film Festival (2008)

ZFF - 5. Zurich Film Festival (2009)

Theo: Eine Konversation mit der Ehrli... (2022)

A bras le corps (2025)

Hallo Betty (2024)

Sans Roland Béguelin et Marcel Boill... (2024)






ZFF19_-_Buch_Programmheft_-_RZ_WEB_NEU_mini.pdf 16.09.2019 12:20 ZFF19_-_Buch_Programmheft_-_RZ_WEB_NEU_mini.pdf (18.65 MB)


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Bilder: © CineImage