ZFF - 13. Zurich Film Festival

28. September - 8. Oktober 2017

ProduktionProduktion / Release

Kinostart CH-D: no release
Kinostart CH-F: no release
Kinostart CH-I: no release

Synopsis DESynopsis DE

Das Zurich Film Festival bietet eine Plattform für die vielversprechendsten neuen Filmemacher aus der ganzen Welt. Es hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den Austausch zwischen aufstrebenden Regisseuren, arrivierten Filmschaffenden, der Filmindustrie und dem Publikum zu fördern. Das ZFF präsentiert jeden Herbst die schönsten Entdeckungen sowie die meist erwarteten Filme des Jahres. Mit dem Wettbewerb "Fokus" legt das ZFF einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf das Filmschaffen der Filmländer Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich.

Das Zurich Film Festival fand im Oktober 2005 zum ersten Mal statt. Es hat sich innerhalb weniger Jahre in der nationalen und internationalen Festivallandschaft etabliert. Seit der ersten Austragung ist das Festival kontinuierlich gewachsen. Es verzeichnete im Jahr 2013 71'000 Zuschauereintritte und zog mehr als 600 akkreditierte Filmschaffende sowie über 500 Medienschaffende aus aller Welt an.

In drei internationalen Wettbewerben konkurrieren aufstrebende Filmemacher (erste, zweite oder dritte Regiearbeit) jeweils um den Hauptpreis, das Goldene Auge. Ausser Konkurrenz präsentiert das ZFF die meist erwarteten Filme sowie die schönsten Entdeckungen in den Reihen "Gala Premieren", "Special Screenings" und "Border Lines". In der Sektion „Neue Welt Sicht“ legt das ZFF den Fokus auf das aktuelle Filmschaffen einer aufblühenden Filmregion. Branchenveranstaltungen wie die "Zurich Master Class", das "Film Finance Forum", die "ZFF Filmboutique" sowie Panel-Diskussionen machen das ZFF zu einer bedeutenden Networking-Plattform in der deutschsprachigen Filmwelt.

Filmvorführungen in Anwesenheit der Filmemacher sowie öffentliche Masterclasses bringen das Publikum sowohl den Stars wie auch den jungen Filmemachern nahe. Mit seinen Schul- und Kindervorstellungen vermittelt das ZFF auch den Jüngsten die Filmkunst und schafft einen Anreiz, das Kino als Ort des kulturellen Austauschs kennenzulernen.

18.00 Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami (Riffraff 1)
18.00 Quest (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.15 LOMO - The Language of Many Others (Riffraff 2)
18.30 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.30 White God (Riffraff 3)
18.45 Arrhythmia (Riffraff 4)
20.45 Maman Colonelle (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 For Some Inexplicable Reason (Riffraff 1)
21.00 The Glass Castle (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Cookie‘s Fortune (Riffraff 2)
21.30 Promised Land (Riffraff 3)
21.45 Misery (Riffraff 4)

13.00 La familia (Corso 2)
13.15 Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web (Corso 4)
14.00 ZFF Talks: Producers – Get trained, stay connected! (Festivalzentrum)
14.15 Albert Nobbs (Corso 3)
15.00 ZFF Talks: Junge Talente.ch am Zurich Film Festival (Festivalzentrum)
15.15 Muchos hijos, un mono y un castillo (Corso 2)
15.30 Newton (Corso 4)
15.30 ZFF Masters: Alicia Vikander (Filmpodium)
16.00 Daphne (Arthouse Le Paris)
16.15 Out (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.45 Damages – Episode 1&2 (Corso 3)
17.00 Die Häschenschule - Jagd nach dem goldenen Ei (Arena 3)
17.30 Die Gentrifizierung bin ich: Beichte eines Finsterlings (Corso 2)
17.45 Krieg (Corso 4)
18.00 Lasst die Alten sterben (Riffraff 1)
18.15 Call Me by Your Name (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.15 Mad World (Riffraff 2)
18.15 Under the Tree (Arena 7)
18.30 Afterlife (Riffraff 3)
18.30 Borg/McEnroe (Corso 1)
18.30 It’s Not the Time of My Life (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.30 Downsizing (Arena 4)
18.45 Jeune femme (Riffraff 4)
19.00 Coby (Filmpodium)
19.15 Becoming Who I Was (Arena 3)
19.30 The Workers Cup (Corso 3)
20.00 Nadie nos mira (Corso 2)
20.15 Fell in Love with a Girl (Corso 4)
20.45 On the Beach at Night Alone (Arena 7)
21.00 Euphoria (Corso 1)
21.00 Glow (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 Kurzfilme aus Ungarn (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Nowhere to Hide (Filmpodium)
21.15 On Body and Soul (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Pineapple (Riffraff 2)
21.15 You Were Never Really Here (Arena 4)
21.30 Jusqu‘à la garde (Arena 3)
21.30 Maman Colonelle (Riffraff 3)
21.45 29+1 (Riffraff 4)
22.00 This Is Spinal Tap (Corso 3)
22.30 A Prayer Before Dawn (Corso 2)
23.00 Uf dä Kippi (Club Bellevue)
23.00 Globus ZFF Silverscreen Night (Globus am Bellevue)
23.15 Mars Attacks! (Riffraff 2)
23.30 Promised Land (Riffraff 1)

10.00 Sing (Arena 3)
13.00 Amelie rennt (Arena 3)
13.00 The American President (Corso 3)
13.00 When Harry Met Sally ... (Filmpodium)
13.15 El autor (Corso 2)
14.30 120 battements par minute (Riffraff 1)
15.00 City of Ghosts (Riffraff 3)
15.00 The Third Murder (Arena 4)
15.15 The Wednesday Child (Corso 4)
15.15 ZFF Masters: Rob Reiner (Filmpodium)
15.30 Another News Story (Corso 2)
15.30 Esteban (Arena 3)
15.45 Stand by Me (Corso 3)
16.00 Daniel Hope – Der Klang des Lebens (Arthouse Le Paris)
16.00 Happy End (Corso 1)
16.30 Free Lunch Society (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.30 Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami (Arena 7)
17.30 ZFF Talks: Können Straftaten vorhergesagt werden? (NZZ Festivallounge)
17.30 ZFF Talks: Science, Research and Film (Folium Sihlcity)
17.45 1945 (Corso 3)
18.00 A Ciambra (Riffraff 1)
18.00 Menashe (Corso 2)
18.00 The Florida Project (Arena 4)
18.15 Quest (Corso 4)
18.15 The World According to Garp (Riffraff 2)
18.30 Arrhythmia (Riffraff 3)
18.30 Brigsby Bear (Arena 3)
18.30 Shock and Awe (Corso 1)
18.30 Tiere (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.45 Krieg (Riffraff 4)
19.00 Afterlife (Filmpodium)
19.00 Gook (Arena 7)
19.00 Saturday Night Fever (Festivalzentrum)
19.15 Pre-Crime (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.15 Monster (Corso 3)
20.30 Weightless (Corso 2)
20.45 The Glass Castle (Arena 4)
21.00 Le sens de la fête (Corso 1)
21.00 Kurzfilme aus Ungarn (Arena 3)
21.00 Lean on Pete (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.00 You Were Never Really Here (Riffraff 1)
21.15 Avant la fin de l‘été (Corso 4)
21.15 La novia del desierto (Arena 7)
21.15 Let There Be Light (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.15 Steve Jobs (Riffraff 2)
21.30 White God (Riffraff 3)
21.45 The Road Movie (Riffraff 4)
21.45 Nowhere to Hide (Filmpodium)
23.00 The Bellevue Suspects (Club Bellevue)
23.15 Shock Wave (Riffraff 1)

10.30 Cloudboy (Arena 3)
13.00 Ex Libris – The New York Public Library (Riffraff 1)
13.00 Under the Tree (Corso 2)
13.15 Judgment in Hungary (Corso 3)
13.30 ZFF Talks: Mobile Filme: Mit dem Smartphone zum Star (Festivalzentrum)
14.00 Fell in Love with a Girl (Riffraff 4)
14.00 The Family (Corso 4)
14.00 Upp i det blå (Arena 3)
14.15 The Wednesday Child (Riffraff 3)
14.30 Call Me by Your Name (Arena 4)
15.00 Crown Heights (Arena 7)
15.00 The Lion in Winter (Filmpodium)
15.15 La novia del desierto (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.30 Becoming Who I Was (Corso 2)
15.45 The Hero (Corso 1)
16.00 Son of Saul (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.00 The Tick (Corso 3)
16.15 Die Dritte Option (Corso 4)
16.30 Die Reise der Pinguine 2 (Arena 3)
17.00 Moneyball (Riffraff 2)
17.15 La familia (Riffraff 1)
17.30 Las hijas de Abril (Corso 3)
17.30 Dangerous Liaisons (Riffraff 4)
17.30 Matar a Jesús (Arena 7)
17.30 The Square (Arthouse Le Paris)
17.45 Euphoria (Arena 4)
17.45 Menashe (Riffraff 3)
18.00 Nur Gott kann mich richten (Corso 1)
18.15 Let There Be Light (Filmpodium)
18.30 Machines (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.30 On the Beach at Night Alone (Arena 3)
18.30 Pre-Crime (Corso 4)
18.45 Die Migrantigen (Corso 2)
19.45 Love Off the Cuff (Arena 7)
20.00 29+1 (Corso 3)
20.00 On Body and Soul (Riffraff 1)
20.15 The Social Network (Riffraff 2)
20.30 Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami (Riffraff 3)
20.30 Lean on Pete (Arena 4)
20.30 My Life without Air (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.30 Scaffolding (Filmpodium)
20.30 The Wife (Corso 1)
20.45 Muchos hijos, un mono y un castillo (Riffraff 4)
20.45 The Wife (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Brigsby Bear (Arena 3)
21.15 Impreza - Das Fest (Corso 4)
21.30 Disappearance (Corso 2)

13.00 My Life without Air (Corso 4)
13.15 Kurzfilme aus Ungarn (Corso 3)
14.00 Reversal of Fortune (Filmpodium)
15.00 120 battements par minute (Riffraff 1)
15.30 A Ciambra (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.30 Arrhythmia (Riffraff 3)
15.30 Die Dritte Option (Corso 3)
16.00 ZFF Talks: Welche Werte sind uns wichtig? (Festivalzentrum)
16.15 Machines (Corso 4)
16.45 Jusqu‘à la garde (Corso 2)
17.00 Monday French Kiss, Urbano Bar (Four Points by Sheraton)
17.00 ZFF Masters: Glenn Close (Filmpodium)
17.45 Sarah joue un loup-garou (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.00 Kills on Wheels (Corso 3)
18.00 The Glass Castle (Arena 3)
18.00 Weightless (Riffraff 1)
18.15 D‘après une histoire vraie (Corso 1)
18.15 Madame (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.15 Newton (Riffraff 2)
18.30 A River Below (Corso 4)
18.30 Happy End (Arena 4)
18.30 Matar a Jesús (Riffraff 3)
18.45 Blue My Mind (Corso 2)
18.45 It’s Not the Time of My Life (Riffraff 4)
19.00 Atelier de conversation (Filmpodium)
19.00 Jeune femme (Arena 7)
20.00 Land of the Free (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.30 Crown Heights (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.30 For Some Inexplicable Reason (Corso 3)
20.45 Die Gentrifizierung bin ich: Beichte eines Finsterlings (Arena 3)
20.45 Motherland (Corso 4)
21.00 All I See Is You (Corso 1)
21.00 Lean on Pete (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Arena 4)
21.15 Las hijas de Abril (Riffraff 2)
21.15 Pororoca (Filmpodium)
21.15 Tiere (Arena 7)
21.30 Gook (Riffraff 3)
21.30 Pop Aye (Corso 2)
21.45 The Road Movie (Riffraff 4)

13.00 The Natural (Corso 3)
13.15 Quest (Corso 4)
13.30 Scaffolding (Arena 3)
13.45 Daphne (Arthouse Piccadilly)
14.45 Fatal Attraction (Filmpodium)
15.00 The Third Murder (Riffraff 1)
15.15 Euphoria (Corso 2)
15.30 Avant la fin de l‘été (Riffraff 3)
15.45 Air Force One (Corso 3)
15.45 El autor (Riffraff 4)
15.45 Under the Tree (Arthouse Le Paris)
16.00 ZFF Talks: AIDS: Zwischen Tod, Normalität und Heilung (Festivalzentrum)
18.00 For Some Inexplicable Reason (Riffraff 1)
18.00 Jusqu‘à la garde (Corso 2)
18.00 Le fidèle (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.00 Simpel (Arena 3)
18.15 Al otro lado del muro (Corso 4)
18.15 Krieg (Riffraff 2)
18.15 Nadie nos mira (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.15 The Arrow of Time (Filmpodium)
18.30 Brad‘s Status (Corso 1)
18.30 My Life without Air (Riffraff 3)
18.30 The Hero (Arena 7)
18.45 La familia (Riffraff 4)
18.45 Son of Saul (Corso 3)
19.00 D‘après une histoire vraie (Arena 4)
20.00 Die Migrantigen (Corso 4)
20.15 Land of the Free (Corso 2)
20.30 The Citizen (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 LOMO - The Language of Many Others (Arena 7)
21.00 Gook (Filmpodium)
21.00 Stronger (Corso 1)
21.00 The Square (Riffraff 1)
21.00 Un beau soleil intérieur (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web (Riffraff 2)
21.30 Glow (Corso 3)
21.30 Sarah joue un loup-garou (Riffraff 3)
21.30 Stronger (Arena 4)
21.45 Shock Wave (Riffraff 4)
22.00 ZFF @ Widder Garage (Widder Garage)

13.00 Die Gentrifizierung bin ich: Beichte eines Finsterlings (Riffraff 1)
13.30 Krieg (Riffraff 3)
14.00 Amelie rennt (Corso 3)
14.15 Pre-Crime (Corso 2)
15.00 The Big Chill (Filmpodium)
15.30 Tiere (Riffraff 1)
15.45 Nadie nos mira (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.45 The Arrow of Time (Riffraff 4)
16.00 Disappearance (Riffraff 3)
16.00 Impreza - Das Fest (Corso 4)
16.00 Revolting Rhymes (Arena 3)
16.15 Atelier de conversation (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.15 Motherland (Corso 2)
16.30 Kurzfilme aus Ungarn (Corso 3)
17.30 Blade Runner 2049 (Corso 1)
18.00 Free Lunch Society (Corso 4)
18.00 La novia del desierto (Riffraff 1)
18.15 Charlie Wilson‘s War (Riffraff 2)
18.15 Die letzte Pointe (Arena 4)
18.30 Blue My Mind (Arena 7)
18.30 Drifter (Riffraff 3)
18.45 A River Below (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.45 City of Ghosts (Filmpodium)
18.45 Coby (Arena 3)
18.45 Maman Colonelle (Riffraff 4)
18.45 Borg/McEnroe (Arthouse Le Paris)
19.00 Crown Heights (Corso 2)
20.15 The Citizen (Corso 4)
20.45 Blade Runner 2049 (Arena 4)
20.45 Molly’s Game (Corso 1)
21.00 Et au pire, on se mariera (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.00 Nur Gott kann mich richten (Arena 7)
21.00 Pop Aye (Riffraff 1)
21.15 1945 (Corso 3)
21.15 Die Migrantigen (Arena 3)
21.15 Mad World (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.15 Out (Filmpodium)
21.30 Fell in Love with a Girl (Riffraff 3)
21.30 Menashe (Corso 2)
21.45 Muchos hijos, un mono y un castillo (Riffraff 4)
22.00 Talent Night (Widder Garage)

13.45 Weightless (Corso 2)
15.15 Coby (Corso 4)
15.30 A Few Good Men (Filmpodium)
15.30 Atelier de conversation (Riffraff 3)
15.45 Kills on Wheels (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.00 Sarah joue un loup-garou (Riffraff 1)
16.30 Las hijas de Abril (Corso 2)
16.30 Pop Aye (Arthouse Le Paris)
17.15 The Newsroom – Episode 1 (Corso 3)
17.30 LOMO - The Language of Many Others (Arena 3)
18.00 Al otro lado del muro (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.00 Breath (Corso 1)
18.00 Pororoca (Riffraff 3)
18.15 Another News Story (Corso 4)
18.15 Mad World (Riffraff 2)
18.30 Nowhere to Hide (Filmpodium)
18.30 Out (Riffraff 1)
18.45 All I See Is You (Arena 4)
18.45 Die Dritte Option (Riffraff 4)
18.45 Matar a Jesús (Corso 2)
19.00 Das Menschlein Matthias (Arena 7)
19.00 Madame (Arthouse Le Paris)
19.00 Sushi Loves Movies Party (Yooji's Dreikönig)
19.30 Newton (Corso 3)
20.15 Quest (Arthouse Piccadilly)
20.30 Giraffen machen es nicht anders – Die Vater-Spur (Corso 4)
20.45 Brad‘s Status (Corso 1)
20.45 Daphne (Filmpodium)
21.00 Et au pire, on se mariera (Riffraff 1)
21.15 Le fidèle (Arena 4)
21.15 The Killing of a Sacred Deer (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.15 The Tick (Riffraff 2)
21.15 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Corso 2)
21.30 Lasst die Alten sterben (Riffraff 3)
21.30 Simpel (Arena 7)
21.45 Drifter (Corso 3)
21.45 The Workers Cup (Riffraff 4)
22.00 ZFF @ Widder Garage (Widder Garage)

13.30 My Life without Air (Riffraff 3)
13.30 The Citizen (Corso 2)
14.30 A River Below (Corso 4)
14.30 Fell in Love with a Girl (Arthouse Piccadilly)
15.30 Brigsby Bear (Riffraff 1)
15.45 Shock and Awe (Arthouse Le Paris)
16.00 Die Reise der Pinguine 2 (Corso 3)
16.00 Machines (Riffraff 3)
16.00 ZFF Talks: Hitzige Debatte zum Klimawandel (Festivalzentrum)
16.15 Gook (Corso 2)
16.30 Free Lunch Society (Arena 7)
16.30 White God (Corso 4)
17.00 Avant la fin de l‘été (Filmpodium)
17.00 Impreza - Das Fest (Arthouse Piccadilly)
17.00 Simpel (Arena 3)
18.00 120 battements par minute (Riffraff 3)
18.00 The Ballad of Lefty Brown (Corso 1)
18.15 El autor (Riffraff 4)
18.30 Jusqu‘à la garde (Corso 2)
18.30 Madame (Arena 4)
18.30 Numéro une (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.30 The Florida Project (Riffraff 1)
18.45 The Family (Riffraff 2)
19.00 Let There Be Light (Corso 4)
19.00 On Body and Soul (Filmpodium)
19.00 Promised Land (Arthouse Piccadilly)
19.15 Motherland (Arena 3)
19.30 Kurzfilmprogramm: Den Mut trotz Krebs nicht verlieren (Corso 3)
19.30 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Arena 7)
20.45 Borg/McEnroe (Arena 4)
20.45 Breathe (Corso 1)
21.00 Breathe (Arthouse Le Paris)
21.00 Land of the Free (Riffraff 3)
21.15 29+1 (Riffraff 4)
21.30 Call Me by Your Name (Riffraff 1)
21.30 Disappearance (Corso 2)
21.30 Kills on Wheels (Filmpodium)
21.45 Becoming Who I Was (Corso 4)
21.45 Breath (Arena 3)
21.45 Die Dritte Option (Riffraff 2)
21.45 Scaffolding (Arthouse Piccadilly)
22.00 A Prayer Before Dawn (Arena 7)
22.00 Your Honor (Corso 3)
22.00 ZFF @ Widder Garage (Widder Garage)
22.45 ZFF 72 Award Party (Folium Sihlcity)
23.00 Bellevue Night (Club Bellevue)
23.15 The Road Movie (Riffraff 3)

10.00 Le grand méchant Renard et autres contes (Arena 5)
13.00 Numéro une (Corso 2)
13.00 Revolting Rhymes (Arena 5)
13.00 The Ballad of Lefty Brown (Riffraff 1)
13.15 Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web (Corso 4)
13.30 4 Blocks (Riffraff 4)
13.45 Daniel Hope – Der Klang des Lebens (Arthouse Piccadilly)
13.45 Kurzfilmprogramm: Den Mut trotz Krebs nicht verlieren (Corso 3)
13.45 Let There Be Light (Riffraff 3)
14.30 ZFF Masters: Andy Serkis (Filmpodium)
15.00 Esteban (Arena 5)
15.00 The Florida Project (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.15 La novia del desierto (Corso 2)
15.30 City of Ghosts (Riffraff 1)
15.30 LOMO - The Language of Many Others (Corso 4)
15.45 Stronger (Corso 1)
16.00 Sarah joue un loup-garou (Riffraff 3)
16.15 Blue My Mind (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.30 1945 (Corso 3)
16.45 Et au pire, on se mariera (Filmpodium)
17.15 4 Blocks (Riffraff 4)
17.30 The Square (Arthouse Le Paris)
17.30 Tiere (Corso 2)
17.45 Impreza - Das Fest (Corso 4)
18.00 Pororoca (Riffraff 1)
18.15 Your Honor (Riffraff 2)
18.30 Al otro lado del muro (Riffraff 3)
18.30 Breathe (Corso 1)
18.45 It’s Not the Time of My Life (Corso 3)
18.45 Judgment in Hungary (Arthouse Piccadilly)
18.45 Matar a Jesús (Filmpodium)
19.45 Atelier de conversation (Corso 4)
20.00 Daphne (Corso 2)
20.30 Il colore nascosto delle cose (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.45 Monster (Corso 3)
21.00 Shock Wave (Riffraff 2)
21.15 Molly’s Game (Corso 1)
21.15 Nadie nos mira (Filmpodium)
21.15 Un beau soleil intérieur (Riffraff 1)
21.30 A Ciambra (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.30 Another News Story (Corso 4)
21.30 The Wednesday Child (Riffraff 4)
21.45 Coby (Riffraff 3)
22.00 ZFF @ Widder Garage (Widder Garage)
22.30 A Prayer Before Dawn (Corso 2)
23.00 Afterparty Overground (Club Bellevue)
23.15 You Were Never Really Here (Riffraff 1)

10.00 Cloudboy (Arena 5)
12.00 Free Lunch Society (Riffraff 3)
12.15 The Arrow of Time (Riffraff 4)
12.30 A River Below (Arthouse Piccadilly)
12.30 Another News Story (Riffraff 1)
13.00 Die Häschenschule - Jagd nach dem goldenen Ei (Arena 5)
13.00 Pop Aye (Corso 2)
13.30 Die Migrantigen (Corso 4)
13.30 Ex Libris – The New York Public Library (Filmpodium)
14.00 Afterlife (Corso 3)
14.15 Son of Saul (Riffraff 2)
14.30 Motherland (Arthouse Piccadilly)
14.30 Pororoca (Riffraff 1)
14.45 Giraffen machen es nicht anders – Die Vater-Spur (Riffraff 4)
15.00 Al otro lado del muro (Riffraff 3)
15.00 Upp i det blå (Arena 5)
15.15 Menashe (Corso 2)
15.30 Die letzte Pointe (Arthouse Le Paris)
15.45 D‘après une histoire vraie (Corso 1)
16.00 Avant la fin de l‘été (Corso 4)
16.45 Disappearance (Arthouse Piccadilly)
16.45 Love Off the Cuff (Corso 3)
17.30 Blue My Mind (Riffraff 3)
17.30 Land of the Free (Corso 2)
17.45 Machines (Riffraff 4)
18.00 Il colore nascosto delle cose (Arthouse Le Paris)
18.00 Un beau soleil intérieur (Riffraff 1)
18.00 Weightless (Corso 4)
18.15 A Conversation with ... Al Gore (Filmpodium)
18.15 Battle of the Sexes (Corso 1)
18.15 Pineapple (Riffraff 2)
18.45 The Workers Cup (Arthouse Piccadilly)
19.30 Judgment in Hungary (Corso 3)
20.00 Battle of the Sexes (Corso 2)
20.00 The Third Murder (Riffraff 1)
20.15 Jeune femme (Riffraff 2)
20.30 Becoming Who I Was (Corso 4)
20.30 Scaffolding (Riffraff 3)
20.30 The Wife (Arthouse Le Paris)
20.45 Drifter (Riffraff 4)
20.45 Under the Tree (Arthouse Piccadilly)
21.00 An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (Corso 1)
21.00 Die Gentrifizierung bin ich: Beichte eines Finsterlings (Filmpodium)

Cast and CrewCast & Crew

LinksLinks und Medien

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ZFF - 3. Zurich Filmfestival (2007)

ZFF - 4. Zurich Film Festival (2008)

ZFF - 5. Zurich Film Festival (2009)

ZFF - 6. Zurich Film Festival (2010)

ZFF - 7. Zurich Film Festival (2011)

ZFF - 8. Zurich Film Festival (2012)

ZFF - 9. Zurich Film Festival (2013)

ZFF - 10. Zurich Film Festival (2014)

ZFF - 11. Zurich Film Festival (2015)

ZFF - 12. Zurich Film Festival (2016)

ZFF - 13. Zurich Film Festival (2017)

ZFF - 14. Zurich Film Festival (2018)

ZFF - 15. Zurich Film Festival (2019)

ZFF - 16. Zurich Film Festival (2020)

ZFF - 17. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 18. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 19. Zurich Film Festival (2023)




13. Zurich Film Festival: 28. Sept. – 8. Okt. 2017

ZFF - 13. Zurich Film Festival


Heinrichstrasse 267
8005 Zürich
+41 44 440 2751 (tel)

Movie relationsÄhnliche Filme

ZFF - 11. Zurich Film Festival (2015)

ZFF - 15. Zurich Film Festival (2019)

ZFF - 6. Zurich Film Festival (2010)

ZFF - 7. Zurich Film Festival (2011)

ZFF - 8. Zurich Film Festival (2012)

ZFF - 9. Zurich Film Festival (2013)

ZFF - 10. Zurich Film Festival (2014)

ZFF - 14. Zurich Film Festival (2018)

ZFF - 16. Zurich Film Festival (2020)

ZFF - 12. Zurich Film Festival (2016)

ZFF - 18. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 19. Zurich Film Festival (2023)

ZFF - 17. Zurich Film Festival (2021)

ZFF - 4. Zurich Film Festival (2008)

ZFF - 3. Zurich Filmfestival (2007)

ZFF - 5. Zurich Film Festival (2009)

Sans Roland Béguelin et Marcel Boill... (2024)

A bras le corps (2025)

Der Spatz im Kamin (2016)

Hallo Betty (2024)






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Bilder: © CineImage